їzhak / їzhakultura

їzhak / їzhakultura

Їzhak is an independent publishing house which specialises in gastronomy.
The publishing house exists as part of їzhakultura, an academic information project, which was created by Artem Braichenko and Olena Braichenko with aim to popularising important academic developments in the field of gastronomy and supporting and promoting Ukrainian academics who work in the field of food studies. We aim to preserve and popularise ancient culinary practices, ethnic recipes, regional food practices – all of which are part of Ukraine’s intangible cultural heritage; we also aim to bring to light other important issues related to food studies, namely in the field of such up and coming disciplines like food anthropology, food safety, and history of culinary culture.

– publishing academic studies and multi-disciplinary studies on the subject of food and food culture
– translated editions of specialised gastronomic literature
– author’s editions by Ukrainian masterchefs
– luxury editions of cookery books and artisan editions.


  • Wednesday, 23 June

    19:30 - 20:15

    Discussion “Ukrainian cuisine and the image of Ukraine in the world.” Special program of the project Jezhakultura “Gastronomic book”


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  • Friday, 25 June

    18:00 - 18:45

    Discussion “Sad Middle Ages: what did you eat then, how did you have fun and where to read about it?”. Special program of the project Jezhakultura “Gastronomic book”

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