25 years of book publishing and bookselling. More than 100 books per year. 6 records of Ukraine and many prizes, contests and festivals. Cooperation with the best bookstores and all libraries of the country.
Our cases: publicistic and modern literature, educational books and books for children.


  • Friday, 25 June

    18:00 - 18:45

    Public talk “Poetry as an artbook: synergy of content and form. Olga Olkhova’s “Rusla Zapyast”


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  • Saturday, 26 June

    16:30 - 17:15

    Public talk “Is objectivity possible and necessary in modern literature and media. Methodological Documentation in the Novel of Dreams by Mstislav Chernov, an International Journalist Associated Press »»

    Business scene

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  • Sunday, 27 June

    15:00 - 15:45

    Presentation of the book “Legends of Sport” by the legend of sports journalism Yukhym Shainsky to the 30th anniversary of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine


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