“Home Reading” — is a project about Odessa and its role in world culture. It is a project about the city which used to be the motherland for many literary artists and those, who came to live and write there. We are making a list of places, which have been thoroughly described by authors of different periods and languages. It is the list of houses, which vanish with time, the list of beaches, squares, bridges and all those places which used to inspire writers and poets who in their return eternalized them in their works of art. We plan to establish memorable signs quoting the authors having described the place in question.
We do research work: read the works of art, study the archives and diaries, interact with museums, historians and publicists. We have collected more than 100 locations and several dozens of literary artists, who wrote about Odessa in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, English, Bulagarian and Hebrew so far, still this number is growing.
We organize exhibitions, literary lectures ang public reading to popularize the project together with creating of memorable signs.