Bookraine Publishing House

Bookraine Publishing House

Bookraine Publishing House is a young and brave Ukrainian publishing house. We want as many Ukrainian books and authors as possible to become known in Ukraine and worldwide.
We publish fiction and non-fiction prose, poetry, art books, illustrative books, and non-standard titles that do not belong to any known genre.
This year’s challenge is to introduce Australian literature to Ukrainian readers.
Check our books on the stand B 3.09

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    Він помер із фалафелем у руці. Джон Бірмінгем
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    Моя блискуча кар’єра. Майлз Франклін
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    Пікнік біля Навислої скелі. Джоан Ліндсі
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    Світ долішній. Крістіна Двойних
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    День до вечора. Олександр Демарьов


  • Saturday, 26 June

    18:00 - 18:45

    Consonance of female images in Australian and Ukrainian literature. Conversation on the occasion of the release of the new books Bookraine “Picnic at the Overhanging Rock” and “My brilliant career”


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