
Myroslava M. Mudrak

Doctor of Arts and Professor of Ohio University, Mudrak researches Eastern European and Ukrainian Modernism. Her book Staging The Ukrainian Avant-Garde of the 1910s and 1920s won the prestigious CAA Barr Award.

Books in Ukrainian: Mudrak has co-authored Staging The Ukrainian Avant-Garde of the 1910s and 1920s (Rodovid publishing house, Ukrainian Museum in New York, 2015) and authored Borys Kosarev: Kharkiv Modernism, 1915-1931 exhibition catalog (Rodovid, 2011). Also, Mudrak wrote Beyond Borders: Modern Ukrainian Book Graphics of 1914-1915 (Krytyka, 2008). A translation into Ukrainian of The New Generation and Artistic Modernism in Ukraine (Rodovid, 2018) will be presented at 2018 Book Arsenal.