Curated by Alevtyna Kakhidze, Kateryna Svirhunenko, Maryna Samokhina
Organized by IZONE
Imagine you are among almost three hundred of silk-screened prints created by artists, where you as a real editor make a collection to your liking. It’s hard for you to choose: silk-screened prints are beautifully made, and each one of them may qualify for the category of intellectual food in order to be a sheet of your collection. In the end, you make choices about your own ‘visual lunch’ that includes thoughts about Kitchen, Sex and Ukrainian passport. You can visit the Book Buffet ‘kitchen’, where on the table with a silk screen you can print a sheet for your collection with your own hands. Or you can look into a room where there are only fluorescence and visual content.
The idea of the event belongs to the curatorial duo Book Lunch initiated in the spring of 2007 by Alevtyna Kakhidze and Kateryna Svirhunenko and geared solely toward the category of books created by artists.
IZONE is an open silk-screen printing workshop engaged in silk-screen printing and aimed primarily at producing products, that is replicating posters and printing on fabric or ceramics. The format of the open workshop was chosen to help as many people as possible master the silk-screen printing technique.