ORLANDO Publishing House

ORLANDO Publishing House

ORLANDO Publishing House is a Ukrainian publishing house that opens new names of contemporary Ukrainian literature. We work in two directions:
1) with debutants, those who are called emerging writers regardless of their age, profession, gender and work experience.
2) veterans of the Joint Forces Operation and active military servicemen and servicewomen.

ORLANDO Publishing House is living literature. In our understanding, this is literature in which the following aspects are important:
— the authenticity of the author’s voice;
— the diverse, lively and unfiltered Ukrainian language;
— the gained experience that helps transform the past into the resourceful future;
— the therapeutic effect of the text;
— the combination of depth and lightness of the story.

Our books develop readers, they help meet yourself and become a slightly better person.

  • Friday, 31 May

    15:00 - 16:00

    ORLANDO Publishing House. Part 1: Presentation of the military collection LITTLE YELLOW EXCAVATOR. Part 2: Discussion on the why living literature is not common ukrainian contempoary literature

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