We started our activity in January 2005. This beginning was a continuation of the development of the magazine Dytyna, which was published in 1999-2004 as a printed edition, and now exists as an online magazine.

Our main mission is to share with a wide circle of people the rich, voluminous and deep experience of anthroposophy, which has existed as a way of practice for more than 100 years, is applied and researched, transforms and continues developing in today’s conditions. Our books contain the knowledge that helps a modern person be aware of their thoughts, feelings and actions and find harmonious ways to create their life.

Directions of our editions:
anthroposophy—wisdom about the human being;
the art of education and education through art;
literature for parents;
literature for children. Children’s and teenagers’ books. Fairy tales, myths and legends;
literature about health—physical and mental;
scientific literature;
biographical literature;
eurythmy and arts.