• Stand number: B1.5

ASSA Publishing House has been working since 2009 in the city of Kharkiv, Ukraine. It specializes in educational literature, fiction and popular science for children and teenagers. Currently, the online bookstore of the publishing house ( offers more than 250 active positions.

Our motto: More than just books! Our priority is the popularization of reading.

Fantasy by both Ukrainian and foreign authors makes up a large part of fiction in our publishing house. The most successful among the Ukrainian fantasy series at the moment is Varta in the Game by Natalia Matolinets, and among the translated ones—Warrior Cats and Survivors: Tales from the Packs by Erin Hunter and Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness. ASSA publishing house actively publishes children’s fiction of other genres: adventure and social stories, historical novels, fairy tales, detective stories. In the field of literature for preschool children we have a wide range of products and are constantly expanding it through our own projects, as well as through translated literature from the EU countries. The department of non-fiction has been actively developing for the last two years. We have also started publishing art projects.

ASSA publishing house actively creates and supports communities of book fans. It regularly arranges meetings of authors, artists and employees of the publishing house with readers. The publishing house annually participates in the largest book fairs and exhibitions of Ukraine and the world. It also actively joins charity events and projects. Many of our books by Ukrainian authors regularly receive prestigious awards.