Born in Kyiv in 1983. Ph.D in Literature. Translator from English and French. Author of urban fantasy novels for teenagers and books for children. She translated into Ukrainian the works by Daniel Pennac, Jamie Littler, Sylvia Linstedt, Timothée de Fombel, etc., as well as numerous bande dessinée by French authors. She was awarded with the Korney Chukovsky Prize (2016) and the “Koronatsiya Slova” (2016), as well as two Top-BaraBooka awards (2016) and (2021).
Mia Marchenko
Born in Kyiv in 1983. Ph.D in Literature. Translator from English and French. Author of urban fantasy novels for teenagers and books for children. She translated into Ukrainian the works by Daniel Pennac, Jamie Littler, Sylvia Linstedt, Timothée de Fombel, etc., as well as numerous bande dessinée by French authors. She was awarded with the Korney Chukovsky Prize (2016) and the “Koronatsiya Slova” (2016), as well as two Top-BaraBooka awards (2016) and (2021).