Forzats (Valentyn Kolontay),  Umaunivers (Kate Kotliarova)

Forzats (Valentyn Kolontay), Umaunivers (Kate Kotliarova)

  • Номер стенду: F 5.05

Kateryna Kotliarova, born in 1990, in Vinnytsia. Graphic artist who works in techniques – linocut print, block print, illustration in mixed media. Author of personal exhibitions and participant in many group exhibitions.
Valentyn Kolontai born in 1991 in Dubno. Founder of the workshop of introligation, calligraphy and hand printing. Artist who works in techniques – introligation (author’s book , reconstruction of a medieval book, making frames), calligraphy and paleography, illumination, book illustration,comics.